Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Pain, Pain Go Away...

So, I've been feeling pretty low lately. I feel like I can't do anything without hurting, and it's very frustrating. I want to be able to do things and feel "normal". There are many times, like a few moments ago, that I say "screw the pain" and do something anyway, only to end up lying on the couch or in bed, wishing I hadn't done it because I'm hurting that much. I cleaned the sliding glass door. This is an accomplishment for me, and that's seriously sad. I used to pride myself  in my clean house, and having a really good work ethic, and without those things, I feel pretty lost. I look at things I want to do - from cleaning, to cooking, to photography, and I am held back from them. Held back by my pain; by this disease. I just want to be free from it. I used to take things for granted, and my Endo. has changed that. I don't go a lot of places, because even walking short distances leaves me curled up in pain. When I do go places, my husband pushes me in a wheelchair. I no longer take walking for granted. No one should, actually. I try not to feel sorry for myself, though - someone always has it worse, and I'm thankful for the things I can still do, but I'm allowed to be unhappy with the way things are in my life. God knows I get discouraged at times, but I try so hard to accept the cards I've been dealt. It's not easy, but then, I don't expect it to be either. I never took the easy road; I must have missed the sign for it years ago, but if I could change my past, I wouldn't. I'm here right now, with this condition, for a reason. I don't know what the reason is, but I'm going to stay positive and hope that one day, I'll know ... and it will have been worth all the pain.


  1. is there a treatment or cure for your disease, or do you just have to live with it?

  2. There is no cure, but most doctors recommend birth control pills, pregnancy, and after child-bearing years, hysterectomy. It's best to see a specialist, but I've been unable to afford one, and they are not covered by most insurance companies. I've had two surgeries in the last few years to remove scar tissue, however, most doctors don't know that it's adhesions that cause the pain, and not the scar tissue. That's why it's best to see a specialist (if you can afford out of pocket). Unfortunately, birth control does not work for me, and although I would love to have a child, Endo. can make it difficult to conceive. Thank you for your question, and if I can answer anything else for you, please let me know.
